GUI::AgentsApp | Main application class |
GUI::AgentsFrame | Main application frame |
BaseConfig | Base Config class |
GUI::Canvas | Draws and manipulate the matrix on the screen |
GUI::Canvas::HoldingObject | Keeps info about current holding object (when moving objects on the scene) |
ConfigApplication | ConfigApplication |
ConfigCanvas | ConfigCanvas |
ConfigMatrix | Config object for matrix |
ConfigMatrix::ConfigCell | Configuration of a single cell on the matrix |
ConfigProcessor | ConfigProcessor class |
DefaultFactoryError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct > | Manages the "Unknown Type" error in an object factory |
Direction | Object's direction |
EditableInWindowConfig | Interface for config that can be edited in a graphical window |
GUI::EditationWindowApplication | Application editation window |
GUI::EditationWindowBase | Base editation window abstract class |
GUI::EditationWindowCanvas | Canvas/scene (simulation) editation window |
GUI::EditationWindowObject | Basic object editation window |
GUI::EditationWindowObjectAgent | ObjectAgent editation window |
GUI::EditationWindowObjectFixed | ObjectFixed editation window |
GUI::EditationWindowObjectTrail | ObjectTrail editation window |
GUI::EditationWindowObjectTransferable | ObjectTransferable editation window |
Exception | Base exception class - all exceptions should be derived from this class |
ExceptionBadDirection | Illegal direction of the Image/Object |
ExceptionConfig | Config errors |
ExceptionConfigBadAction | Config does not support this action |
ExceptionConfigBadData | Bad/invalid data in the config |
ExceptionConfigBadFile | Bad format of the input configuration file |
ExceptionConfigBadMode | This exception is thrown when you try to load configuration from ConfigProcessor that is currently in saving mode or vice versa |
ExceptionConfigBadType | Bad type of config for the concrete object |
ExceptionConfigMatrixNoCells | There are no cells left in the config and you're trying to get one |
ExceptionFactory | Factory - default factory exception |
ExceptionFactoryObjectConfigs | FactoryObjectConfigs errors |
ExceptionFactoryObjects | FactoryObjects errors |
ExceptionGUI | GUI errors |
ExceptionGUIImage | Image errors |
ExceptionInterpreter | Interpreter errors |
ExceptionInterpreterScript | Error during behavior script execution |
ExceptionMatrix | Matrix errors |
ExceptionMatrixInvalidSize | Invalid size of the matrix (width or height) |
ExceptionMatrixOutOfRange | Index is out of range |
ExceptionMatrixUnexpectedObjectType | Unexpected object type |
ExceptionObject | Object errors |
ExceptionObjectBadAction | Illegal action called for the object |
ExceptionUnknown | Unknown error exception - use if and only if you are sure that there is no other solution (weird situations etc.) |
Factory< AbstractProduct, IdentifierType, Initializator, ProductCreator, FactoryErrorPolicy > | Implementation of a generic object factory |
FactoryObjectConfigsDeclar::FactoryObjectConfigsError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct > | Manages the "Unknown Type" error in the FactoryObjectConfigs |
FactoryObjectsDeclar::FactoryObjectsError< IdentifierType, AbstractProduct > | Manages the "Unknown Type" error in the FactoryObjects |
GUI::HelpWindow | Application help window |
GUI::Image | Image that can be loaded/drawed |
Interpreter | Agent's behavior interpreter |
Matrix | Intermediary between GUI and the rest of the application |
Matrix::CallSpecificMethods | Functor - calls specific methods for the selected object |
Matrix::Item | Item in the matrix array |
Matrix::iterator | Iterator is used to access the two-dimensional array in the Matrix class |
Matrix::RemoveSpecificObjects | Unary predicate - returns true if the selected object should be removed |
Matrix::SaveObjectIntoConfig | Functor - saves object into the matrix config |
Matrix::SecondIndex | Help class for operator [] implementation |
GUI::NewSimulationDialog | Dialog that will be shown int OnNewSimulation handler |
Object | Base object in the matrix |
Object::Action | Possible object actions |
Object::Config | Base config object for the objects in the matrix |
ObjectAgent | Agent |
ObjectAgent::Behavior | Agent's behavior information |
ObjectAgent::Config | Config object for agents in the matrix |
ObjectFixed | Fixed position object |
ObjectFixed::Config | Config object for fixed objects in the matrix |
ObjectTrail | Trail object |
ObjectTrail::Config | Config object for trails in the matrix |
ObjectTransferable | Transferable object |
ObjectTransferable::Config | Config object for transferable objects in the matrix |
GUI::PaletteWindow | Palette window |
Singleton< T > | Implementation of a generic singleton |
GUI::ToolList | Palette toollist |