Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NretdecThe namespace of the library
 CAnalysisRepresentation of an analysis
 CAnalysisArgumentsArguments for analyses
 CAnalysisErrorException thrown when an analysis fails
 CApiErrorException thrown when the API is used incorrectly
 CAuthErrorException thrown when there is an authentication or authorization error
 CConnectionErrorException thrown when there is a connection error
 CDecompilationRepresentation of a decompilation
 CDecompilationArgumentsArguments for decompilations
 CDecompilationErrorException thrown when a decompilation fails
 CDecompilerRunner of decompilations
 CErrorBase class of custom exceptions thrown by the library
 CFileBase class and factory for files
 CFileinfoRunner of analyses
 CFilesystemErrorException thrown when there is a filesystem error
 CIoErrorException thrown when there is an I/O error
 CResourceBase class of all resources
 CResourceArgumentsBase class of arguments for all services
 CResourceErrorBase class of resource exceptions
 CServiceBase class of all services
 CSettingsLibrary settings
 CTestRunner of analyses