exceptions.h File Reference

Exception classes - declarations. More...

#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <new>
#include "common.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Exception
 Base exception class - all exceptions should be derived from this class. More...
class  ExceptionUnknown
 Unknown error exception - use if and only if you are sure that there is no other solution (weird situations etc.). More...
class  ExceptionMatrix
 Matrix errors. More...
class  ExceptionMatrixInvalidSize
 Invalid size of the matrix (width or height). More...
class  ExceptionMatrixOutOfRange
 Index is out of range. More...
class  ExceptionMatrixUnexpectedObjectType
 Unexpected object type. More...
class  ExceptionGUI
 GUI errors. More...
class  ExceptionGUIImage
 Image errors. More...
class  ExceptionObject
 Object errors. More...
class  ExceptionObjectBadAction
 Illegal action called for the object. More...
class  ExceptionInterpreter
 Interpreter errors. More...
class  ExceptionInterpreterScript
 Error during behavior script execution. More...
class  ExceptionConfig
 Config errors. More...
class  ExceptionConfigBadType
 Bad type of config for the concrete object. More...
class  ExceptionConfigBadFile
 Bad format of the input configuration file. More...
class  ExceptionConfigBadMode
 This exception is thrown when you try to load configuration from ConfigProcessor that is currently in saving mode or vice versa. More...
class  ExceptionConfigMatrixNoCells
 There are no cells left in the config and you're trying to get one. More...
class  ExceptionConfigBadData
 Bad/invalid data in the config. More...
class  ExceptionConfigBadAction
 Config does not support this action. More...
class  ExceptionFactory
 Factory - default factory exception. More...
class  ExceptionFactoryObjects
 FactoryObjects errors. More...
class  ExceptionFactoryObjectConfigs
 FactoryObjectConfigs errors. More...
class  ExceptionBadDirection
 Illegal direction of the Image/Object. More...

Detailed Description

Exception classes - declarations.

Libor Polcak, xpolca03@stud.fit.vutbr.cz

Boris Prochazka, xproch63@stud.fit.vutbr.cz

Martin Rapavy, xrapav00@stud.fit.vutbr.cz

Petr Zemek, xzemek02@stud.fit.vutbr.cz

Exceptions used in the project. If you want to throw an exception, use please the THROW macro from debug.h (because of debugging purposes). If you want to derive new exceptions, feel free to do that. Just use ExceptionUnknown as an example, copy it and change it's name to whatever you want. For new exceptions hierarchy please derive some class from Exception and then the rest of the hierarchy derive from it.
Generated on Sun Apr 29 11:46:10 2007 for IPP/ICP2007 by  doxygen 1.4.7