Agents2007 Help Contents


Agents2007 is a simple agents simulation system that allows users to create simulation scene, put agents and other objects on it and define their behavior to achieve variability in actions these objects perform. Actions, like picking up objects from the ground and transfering them to another place, can be done by defining different behavior scripts.

Application modes

There are two application modes:

Application window

Getting started

When you launch Agents2007, application window will show up. Unfortunately, there is no simulation until you create or load one. When there is no simulation, simulation buttons are hidden and you cannot use them. Next sections will try to clarify all controls needed to successfully manage the simulation.

Item Description
File Allows to work with the simulation
Edit Allows to change application settings
View Allows to change view of the simulation
Simulation Allows to change simulation mode
Help Provides additional information

File menu

File menu
Item Description
New simulation Creates new simulation with specified simulation name and scene size
Open simulation Opens simulation form a file
Close simulation Closes simulation (available only when a simulation is opened)
Save simulation Saves simulation into a file (available only when a simulation is opened)
Exit Exits application

When the simulation is present or modified, after clicking on the close and exit item you will be asked whether to save current simulation or not.

Edit menu

Edit menu
Item Description
Application settings Allows you to change directory from where palette configs are loaded and help file path

The palette is described more precisely here.

View menu

View menu
Item Description
Zoom in Allows you to zoom in the simulation scene. Maximum zoom is 128 pixels.
Zoom out Allows user to zoom out the simulation scene. Minimum zoom is 4 pixels.
Objects palette Show/hide the object palette
Main toolbar Show/hide the toolbar
Speed slider Show/hide the speed slider
Status bar Show/hide the status bar

When simulation is not present, buttons to zoom in/out the simulation scene are disabled. The object palette is in a separate window, which can be hidden when it is not needed. The palette is discussed here. Main toolbar contains all frequently used buttons to control the simulation. Speed slider determines the speed of the simulation and finally status bar shows all necessary information about the simulation scene and status of the simulation.

Simulation menu

Simulation menu
Item Description
Start simulation Allows you to start simulation
Stop simulation Allows you to stop simulation
Make step Allows you to make exactly one step of the simulation
Simulation settings Allows you to change name of the simulation

When simulation is not running, application is in editation mode. In this mode, you can modify the simulation using palette, destroyer etc. When the simulation is started the application is switched into simulation mode. In the simulation mode, all objects are performing actions. They behave according to their behavior way and interact each other. To return into editation mode you have to stop the simulation. Sometimes you need just one step to be performed. In this case use make step function. Because all these functions are often used they appear in the main toolbar too. If there is no simulation all functions are disabled.

Help menu

Help menu
Item Description
Help contents Shows this Agents2007 help contents
About Shows basic information about authors and version of the appliaction


For more comfortable usage a toolbar si present. It contains all frequently used functions to control the simulation and the scene.

Tool bar
Item Description
Zoom in Allows zoom in the simulation
Zoom out Allows zoom out the simulation
Recenter Finds and shows the center of the simulation
Play Starts the simulation
Stop Stops the simulation
Step Makes exactly one step
Mover Moves object in the scene by clicking on that object and then clicking on another place
Destroyer Removes object from the scene by clicking on that object

Speed slider

Use speed slider to determine the speed of your simulation. Higher values means faster simulation.

Speed slider

Simulation window

When you want to start a new simulation you have to create new simulation scene which the simulation will be performed in. To do that use file menu and press new simulation item. Simulation settings will pop up.

Creating new simulation

New simulation
Item Description
Simulation name Name of the simulation
Scene width Desired width of the simulation
Scene height Desired height of the simulation

As soon as you confirm input settings with Ok, new simulation will be created.

Simulation 1

Manipulating with objects

You can do a lot of operations with objects in the simulation window. You can drop them from the palette, move them, erase them or edit them. When the simulation is created, it is empty. So first action is filling in the simulation with objects from the palette. You can do that this way. Just select required object in palette (it will be highlighted) and then put it on the simulation.

Simulation 2

Then, you can add more objects and start/stop the simulation.

Simulation 3

Sometimes, you need to move an object from one position to another. Then, use mover. Select your object and then put it on the right place. The object will be moved.

Remove Remove

Another very important function is destroyer. It helps you to remove unneeded objects from the simulation.

Destroyer Destroyer


There are two ways how you can edit all settings. You can configure everything in the GUI or you can edit XML files. First way is consulted here. Editation of XML files is not recommended, however, you can have a look in the XML files and configuration section and learn more about this topic.

Application settings

In this window you can edit settings for whole application. These settings are stored in the active directory from where the application is running. So you can have more than one settings for the application and you can select from them just by changing the active directory.

Application settings
Item Description
Palette directory Path to the directory from where objects to the palette are loaded. Path can be either relative to the application directory or absolute
Help file path Path to the help file. Path can be either relative to the application directory or absolute
OK Push this button to apply changes and close window
Cancel Push this button to close the window without applying changes

Object editation window

Agents, fixed and transferable objects can be edited in window similar to the one below. But not every type of object has all settings show there.

Edit config
Item Description Objects with the item
Name Name of the object All
Description Short description of the object All
Image file Path to the file containing image of the object. Path can be either relative to the application directory or absolute All
Direction Direction of the object All
Trail image Image of the trail, the agent leaves behind. Path can be either relative to the application directory or absolute Agent
Trail duration Number of steps when the trail will be visible Agent
Behavior Agent's behavior is set here. See Scripting - changing agents behavior for more details. Agent
OK Push this button to apply changes and close window All
Cancel Push this button to close the window without applying changes All

From the File menu in this window you can save the configuration of the object to a XML file. You can use this file in the palette or even on another computer. You can also close the window without applying settings from the menu (same as clicking on the cancel button).

Agent editation file

Object palette


The purpose of this window is to collect objects that can be used in your simulations. You can easily add them to the scene from this place. Because the palette is simulation independent you can use similar or even same objects in many simulations.


When the application is started, palette window is filled with objects from default directory. You can change default directory in the edit menu. Do not forget that this setting depends on the directory from where you run the application.

The color of object name has following meaning:

Color Type
Blue Agent
Green Transferable object
Red Fixed object

Palette file menu

Palette file menu
Item Description
Open single object file Allows you to add one more object into the palette
Open all files from directory Allows you to add all objects from selected directory into the palette
Save all objects into directory Allows you to save all objects from the palette into the selected directory

Palette edit menu

Palette edit menu
Item Description
Add agent Adds empty agent into the palette
Add transferable object Adds empty transferable object into the palette
Add fixed object Adds empty fixed object into the palette

When an empty object is added into palette it has default values. It is expected that the user will modify it to create desired behavior and appearance.

Palette pop-up menu

You can of course edit objects in the palette. Just move mouse pointer above chosen object and press right button - pop up menu will appear.

Palette pop up
Item Description
Erase Removes selected object
Save Saves selected object into file
Edit Edits selected object

Scripting - changing agents behavior

If you want just to know how to (re)define behavior of agents, go here.

Language basics

Behavior of each agent can be extended or changed via so-called simkin scripts. Simkin is a XML scripting language developed by Simon Whiteside. More background info can be found at Simkin syntax is quite easy to learn.

Body of script is, in general, list of methods. Each method has its name, parameters and consits of statements and/or comments.

Example of simple script body: <function name = "AddTwoNumbers" params = "num1,num2"> // this is comment, it has no effect // assignment statement, adding method parameters sum = num1 + num2; // return statement, returns following expresion from method return sum; </function>


Simkin supports several types of statements, which are probably known from other programming languages.

Compund statement:

is just sequence of statements enclosed in pair of braces: { }

Example: { statement1; statement2; statement3; }

Assignment statement:

has following format: Lvalue = Rvalue. Lvalue is any object, which can appear on the left side of assignment statement, typically it's variable. Rvalue typically evaluatable expression (note: expressions will be described later in this chapter).

Example: variable = value;

If else statement:

is control-flow statement and can be used to implement conditionals in scripts. Typical usage of this statements is to implement different script behavior depending on condition, i.e. to define different agent behavior depending on whether it's carrying object or not.

Example: if (sum(a,b) > 10) { a = a + 2; } else { a = a + 1; }

Switch statement:

is generalised if else statement. It is used as replacement of many if else if else if else ... inline statements.

Example: switch(sum(a,b)) { // list of possible actions case 5 { // here sum(a,b) equals to 5 a = a - b; } case 6 { // here sum(a,b) equals to 6 b = b - a; } // etc... // default action default { // this is executed when no match in other "cases" a = a + b; } }

For statement:

is control-flow statement and allows code to be executed iteratively. It consits of two sections. Start value, end value and optionally step value are defined in the first section. Second section is block of statements (compound statement) to be executed in each iteration. At the end of each iteration, control variable (i in examples) is increased by step or by one, if step is not defined. Step can be also negative.

Example (without step): // this for loop prints out this sequence: 1 2 3 4 5 // first section for i = 1 to 5 // second section { // trace() is built-in method, which prints its argument to output trace(i); } Example (with step): // this for loop prints out this sequence: 1 3 5 for i = 1 to 5 step 2 { trace(i); } Example (with negative step): // this for loop prints out this sequence: 5 3 1 for i = 5 to 1 step -2 { trace(i); }

While statement:

is control-flow statement and allows code to be executed iteratively. Unlike for loop it executes block of statements while condition is true. It does not have control variable as for loop (note: every for loop can be easily rewriten as while loop, though).

Example: while (sum(a,b) <= 20) { a = a + 1; b = b - 1; }

Break statement:

is control-flow statement and allows to break out of a loop.

Example (for): for i = 1 to 5 { if (i = 2) { break; } } Example (while): while (sum(a,b) <= 20) { a = a + 1; b = b - 1; if (sum(a,b) = 10) { break; } }

Return statement:

is optional statement, which can be used to return value from methods. If there's no return statement, "null" value is returned. Return with no expression has same effect as if it was omitted. (note: literals and operators in expressions will be described later in this chapter).

Example: <function name = "sum" params = "a,b"> // returns sum of a and b return a + b; </function>

Call statement:

evaluates series of expressions and passes them as argument to a method.

Example (self method): TakeObject(); Example (method in another object): object.method(parameter);


Comments are generally used to make script more readable and more "obvious". There are two types of comments in simkin language:

Data types

Simkin supports following data types:

Type Description Example
self a reference to the object owning the script self.field="Hello";
boolean a truth value true or false
integer a signed number 32
float a signed floating point number 32.33
character a single character.Use "\" to quote characters 'm', '\''
string an arbitrary length piece of text.You can embed any text except ". To use " put a backslash and then a quote \". "He said \"Goodbye\" and left."
object another Simkin object with methods and fields MyObject

Variables visibility

Variables defined within method, are visible only inside this method. Identifier begining with character "@" produce variable, which name is identifier's value.

Expressions, operators and literals

Simkin supports following expressions type:

Type Description Example
literal a literal value of one of the built-in data types "Simon", 100
self a reference to the object owning the method anotherObject.register(self)
null an object meaning "nothing" if (node=null)
identifier this is the name of a variable or method, see below for scoping rules MyVariable
indirection you can prefix the identifier with @ to provide indirection @MyVariable
attribute this accesses an attribute in another object. Account:Balance
field this accesses a field or method in another object, or a sub-item within a field Account.getPerson().Surname
self method call calling a method on the current object and using the return value sendMessage(message)
subexpression for grouping expressions and enforcing precedence (4+1)+5
Logical Operators
not negates an expression not Overdrawn
and logical and Overdrawn and WithinRedZone
orlogical or DepositAccount or CurrentAccount
Relational Operators
equality equality test Name="Simon"
inequality inequality test Name!="Simon"
less than integer/float less than a lt b or a < b
less than or equal to integer/float less than or equal to a le b or a <= b
greater than integer/float greater than a gt b or a > b
greater than or equal to integer/float greater than or equal to a ge b or a >= b
Arithmetic Operators
Note: Arithmetic operations are performed using floating point numbers, unless both values are integer.
For example:
1 + 2 = 3
1 / 2 = 0
"1" + "2" = 3.0
1.0 / 2 = 0.5
subtract integer/float subtract 12 - 1
add integer/float addition 12 + 1
minusinteger/float inversion - 1
times integer/float multiplication 12 * 1
divide integer/float division 12 / 1
modulus integer modulus 12 % 1
String Operators
concatenation adding two strings together "First Name " # " Surname" or "First Name " & " Surname"
Array Operators
array index for accessing child objects (indices start from 0) a = f[6]

Simkin built-in methods

String handling
Standard conversions

Using simkin to (re)define behavior of agents

There are two types of the next action decision:

Collision with Method called Parameters
Agent ObjectAgentCollision none
Fixed object (i.e. wall) ObjectFixedCollision none
Transferable object ObjectTransferableCollision none
No collision NotInCollision none

In each method, controling of agent is done via following built-in methods. Calling more than one of control methods listed below doesn't makes much sense, because each agent can make only one action at time (at one step). So calling sequence of these methods will force agent only to perform the last action, the rest will be "ignored".

Built-in Method Parameters Return value type Description
HasObject none bool Returns true if the agent is carrying object
TakeObject none bool Agent takes transferable object. Returns true if taking the object was successful (i.e. agent didn't carry object before)
DropObject none bool Agent drops transferable object. Returns true if dropping the object was successful
TurnLeft none none/null Agent turns left
TurnRight none none/null Agent turns right
TurnBack none none/null Agent turns around
Go none none/null Agent goes straight forward. This is typically not desired, because agent entered into "collision state" most likely because it hit something in the front of it
RandomAction none none/null Agent performs pseudo-random action (one of previous, but only movement action)

Feel free to define as many other methods as needed and call them in "collision handlers" listed above or in each other.
Note: Simkin also allows you to define another objects in the behavior script, but in most cases, this is useless. Predefined methods, built-in methods and several user-defined methods should be enough to describe agents' behavior.

Script examples

<function name = "ObjectAgentCollision"> // method is called when agent hits another agent if (HasObject()) { DropObject(); } else { TurnRight(); } </function> <function name = "ObjectFixedCollision"> // method is called when agent hits fixed object (i.e. wall) TurnBack(); </function> <function name = "ObjectTranserableCollision"> // method is called when agent hits transferable object if(not HasObject()) { TakeObject; } else { TurnLeft(); } </function> <function name = "NotInCollision"> // method is called when the agent is deciding its new action // and when it is not in collision Go(); </function>

XML files and configuration

The configuration is saved in several types of XML files. Manual editation of these files is an alternative way of configuration. In some cases it can be more powerful than standard way. But be careful, you can damage your data. Every configuration file has root element named agents2007.

Some elements have attributes of a specific type.

Type Allowed values Description
Unsigned integer 0, 1, 2, 3 ... Natural numbers and in some occasion number 0
Boolean 0, 1 0 is representing false or off and per contra 1 stands for true or on
String One character or more Text
Path String Path to a directory or file. It can be either absolute or relative to the application path

Main configuration file

Application settings are stored in special XML file. You can find it in a directory from where you run the application. Its name is .agents2007.xml. If you remove this file, new version will be created after the aplication is started and closed. But all configuration changes made previously will be lost. Note: There are special configuration file in every directory from where you run the application.

Root element has only one child element application with attributes shown below. Every missing attribute will be replaced by the default value.

Object configuration files

Every object in the palette has its special XML file. But function of these files can be different, too. For example you can share objects with your friends etc. You can have these XML files anywhere in your filesystem but only objects in the palette directory are automatically loaded into the palette.

Root element has only one child element. It can be agent, transferable or fixed with attributes shown below.

Simulation configuration files

After you save your simulation it is saved in a file of this format. You can save as many simulations as you want. You can share them with your friends or just leave them for later usage.

Root element has two child elements: matrix and canvas with attributes and/or childs shown below.

XML Elements

Element application

Attribute Type Description
palette_path Path Path, where the palette is stored
help_file_path Path Path, where the file with help is stored
window_height Unsigned integer Height of the main program window
window_width Unsigned integer Width of the main program window
show_toolbar Boolean Visibility of the toolbar in the main window
show_statusbar Boolean Visibility of the status bar in the main window
show_palette Boolean Visibility of the palette
show_speed_slider Boolean Visibility of the speed slider

Object elements

Attribute Type Description Objects with the attribute
direction Unsigned integer Direction of the object, for representation of numbers look into source files All
action Unsigned integer Action of the object, for representation of numbers look into source files All
image Path Path to the image representing the object All
name String Name of the object All
description String Description of the object All
trail_image Path Path to the image of agent's trail Agent
trail_duration Unsigned integer Number of steps when the trail is visible Agent
duration Unsigned integer Number of steps until the trail disappear Trail

agent has one child element named behavior containing agents behavior as CDATA.

Element matrix

Attribute Type Description
height Unsigned integer Height of the main window
width Unsigned integer Width of the main window

matrix has as many child cell elements as needed.

Element cell

Attribute Type Description
x Unsigned integer Column of the cell in the matrix (scene)
y Unsigned integer Row of the cell in the matrix (scene)

Every cell element has exactly one child. It can be agent, transferable, fixed or trail element.


Here you can find some examples that you can use. Simulation files are stored here and object files here. For creating your own objects you can use some images stored in the bitmaps directory (application_directory/bitmaps), originaly stored here here.



About authors

Libor Polčák
Boris Procházka
Martin Rapavý
Petr Zemek

We are students from the Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology in the Czech Republic and this is our project for Principles of programming languages and promotive C++ seminary. Feel free to send us an email whether you like this application or some ideas how to improve it. Bug reports are also welcomed.

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